Shere Country X Pirate
Sire: Wren Farm VA Xtraordinary
SS: AGS Fall Creek WR Valentino *S SD: 2*M GCH MI Sugarcreek WM Xtrafly 'VG89' (+EVE). Dam: Sugar Moon Zenaida DS: +*B SG NC PromisedLand Ram Beau *S 'E91' DD: SG NC PromisedLand PAL Paloma *D *M 'E90' DOB: March 12, 2017 The paternal grdam of PIRATE (XTRAFLY) was a permanent GRAND CHAMPION and linear appraised VG89. The dam of PIRATE (ZENAIDA) has not been appraised but has a very correct body and mammary system and is out of a Breed Leader for milk (PALOMA LA: EX90 VEEE) with lifetime butterfat at 6.8%. ZENAIDA is the full sister of GIANNA, whom Curtis Gerry calls his ideal doe in his Amethyst Acres herd. GIANNA could make Top Ten for butterfat at 7.1%. As a yearling in May 2018, PIRATE is starting to stretch out and give us a few hints of the buck he will become. He has four kids on the ground in 2018 out of two does and all are open in ribs, have very correct feet and legs, tight toes, very good shoulders, and width and depth in the chest. Pirate is growing nicely and we are excited for his potential. He bred 2 does fall 2017. The kids are all consistent, open, and dairy! Can't wait to see how they all grow. |