Old Beach Farm Azsa & Bradley Greiner Craftsbury, Vermont [email protected] [email protected] Please follow us on Facebook for the most current and up-to-date happenings. |
We have relocated to Vermont, half the goat herd is in Vermont with us, and the other half in Duluth, MN at my dad's farm.
Original Farm Story in Wisconsin
Be a part of the adventure...Let us be Your Farmer. Old Beach Farm is a small homestead farm in the woods of the Bayfield Peninsula in Washburn, Wisconsin. The homestead is located on the 11,000-year-old beachfront of Glacial Lake Duluth. At 509 feet above and 6-miles away from Lake Superior, we are unique in many ways. Sustainability is the goal, by building our soils, managing our woodlands, and working with nature, we strive to bring quality products to you. We raise livestock and poultry by providing love, care, and security for them to provide us with healthy young as well as providing for the table. We grow plants, vegetables, fruits and berries with hard work and respect. We raise our dogs as part of the family. On our 40 acres in the woods, we are utilizing about 1 1/2 acres with our residence and beginning farm adventures, with 3 acres under development of wild blueberries and 3 acres under development for pasture space. We want to be your farmer, by providing meat, vegetables, and berries for your enjoyment. We want you to be as much a part of the farm as possible, by visiting, collecting compost, participating in the processing of your food, or in the very least, your pure enjoyment of our products. We look forward to the years ahead, for each year the land will grow and change, providing food, shelter, and enjoyment. Work with us, with nature...let us be your farmer! |