Sugar Moon BL Zafira 4*M (Elite Doe)
DOB: 6/30/2016 ADGA Pedigree SUGAR MOON BL ZAFIRA 2018 USDA Elite Doe (99th Percentile) as FF. Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA Milk +178) ☆☆☆☆☆2018 DHIR☆☆☆☆☆ AGE DIM MILK FAT PRO 1-10 305 1380 73 57 Note: FF Tests 6.1#, 5.9#, 4.9#, 4.3#, 3.7#, 3.6# and 3.6#. Sire: Sugar Moon BL Izaman SS: Chenango-Hills TRX Bombay Aloo *B SD: SG SUGAR MOON V ZUZANNA (2017 ADGA Top 10) (Elite Doe 99th percentile) highest Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA) Milk +240 on the 2018 USDA’s Elite Doe List and of any living Doe! Dam: SG NC PROMISEDLAND SIA ZEPHYR 3*M 6*D ELITE Doe (99th Percentile) 2009 LA: VVVV 87, 2011 LA: VEEE 90, 2014 LA: VEEV 88 6th highest Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA Milk +206) for breed All-time! DS: NC PromisedLand SS Sam I Am ++*B *S DD: SG PromisedLand BW Zippy 2*M 5*D VEEE90 (99th Percentile) Zafira …Of the four daughters of the Z Sisters we have in the Minnesota herd, Zafira in her second lactation at three, has the largest overall area of udder attachment, the tightest foreudder, a very high and smoothly blended rear udder. Her teats are equal in length to Zephyrine. Also very strong medial dividing the udder halves. She is very, very open in ribs, wedge-shaped, broad in rump, with perfect shoulders. |