Reference Does - Pictures and Information
NC Promisedland MG Yenda VEVV 89
Sire: Promisedland S Mel Gibson
Dam: NC Promisedland MG Diva
DOB: 9/1/2007
YENDA, along with our other foundation doe from Promisedland, is the cornerstone of our second family. A product of a father x daughter mating (MEL GIBSON x DIVA), she was linear appraised in 2013 by John White at 89. . You will find a rear view of the udder of ZESTA (the dam of ZIGGZAG) elsewhere on this website. ZESTA was our other foundation doe from Promisedland, a super milker with long lactations and very large teats.
Our combination of YENDA (dam was DIVA – LA91) and ZESTA (dam was ZIPPY – LA90) genetics are meant to produce larger teats with the desirable separation between the halves. While YENDA has small teats, her dam had large teats. Unfortunately,
YENDA’s dam, DIVA, produced 1,940 # of milk during her lactation beginning 6.02. She blew away the Breed Leader standard but didn’t get the award because she was ½” too tall. Finally, and most importantly, YENDA milked !!! … long and steady. (Cou Clair.)
One of our foundation does from Promisedland was a first cousin of BEAU-NITA (Breed leader for milk). In 20 years with Nigerians we have never seen a doe combining such body depth with tremendous openness in ribs. In her prime, she was our best milker!
NC Promisedland SIA Zesta
Sire: NC Promisedland SS Sam I Am
Dam: NC Promisedland BW Zippy
DOB: 9/5/2007 - passed
Are You Tired of “Milking Mice?”
After “milking mice” for several years (does with tiny teats pointing outward caused by flat udder floors), we decided to fix the problem. The late Keith Harrell appeared to be the only one in the country who understood the issue. We purchased two fall 2007 doelings from dams with large teats that then went on to produce 1,500+ pounds of milk in 305 days.
One of those doelings, Promisedland SIA ZESTA, proved to be a foundation quality, high-volume milker and we continue to linebreed to her. In fact, we had our three eligible mature does appraised in May 2018 and they went 89, 90 and 91. ZINNZIA (VG89 VEEE) is a ZESTA daughter. She is the full aunt of EARTHSHINE (EX91 VEEE), who was sired by ZINNZIA’s full brother ZIGGZAG (twice EX90 VEE). CANDEE (EX90 VEEE) is the dam of EARTHSHINE and also a ZESTA grdaughter since she was sired by ZEBRA, a ZESTA son.
Here is ZESTA’s rear udder in 2010 (at two months fresh). If you’re tired of “milking mice” maybe it’s time to add ZESTA descendants to your herd.
Dam: NC Promisedland BW Zippy
DOB: 9/5/2007 - passed
Are You Tired of “Milking Mice?”
After “milking mice” for several years (does with tiny teats pointing outward caused by flat udder floors), we decided to fix the problem. The late Keith Harrell appeared to be the only one in the country who understood the issue. We purchased two fall 2007 doelings from dams with large teats that then went on to produce 1,500+ pounds of milk in 305 days.
One of those doelings, Promisedland SIA ZESTA, proved to be a foundation quality, high-volume milker and we continue to linebreed to her. In fact, we had our three eligible mature does appraised in May 2018 and they went 89, 90 and 91. ZINNZIA (VG89 VEEE) is a ZESTA daughter. She is the full aunt of EARTHSHINE (EX91 VEEE), who was sired by ZINNZIA’s full brother ZIGGZAG (twice EX90 VEE). CANDEE (EX90 VEEE) is the dam of EARTHSHINE and also a ZESTA grdaughter since she was sired by ZEBRA, a ZESTA son.
Here is ZESTA’s rear udder in 2010 (at two months fresh). If you’re tired of “milking mice” maybe it’s time to add ZESTA descendants to your herd.