2020 Junior Does - Theme - Cities
Old Beach E Zinnzia Milan
Black & white with moonspots Sire :Old Beach Z Earthshine Eider SS: Amethyst Acres R Zorro *B SD: Dynamo Ziggzag Earthshine EX 91 VEEE Dam: Dynamo Falcon Zinnzia VG 89 VEEE DS: Fairlea Fleur's Black Falcon DD: NC Promisedland SIA Zesta DOB 4/8/2020 Milan (Eider x Zinnzia). Colorful and correct in feet and legs. Her dam Zinnzia (Zesta daughter, Earthshine aunt and Fleur granddaughter) has been one of our three best milkers for nearly a decade. As we have adjusted her mate selection over the years, the Zinnzia daughters we now own are showing us that linebreeding for milk and correct mammary systems pays dividends. |
Old Beach E Zydeco Yuma
Tan swiss sundgau Sire :Old Beach Z Earthshine Eider SS: Amethyst Acres R Zorro *B SD: Dynamo Ziggzag Earthshine EX 91 VEEE DOB 2/29/2020 Yuma (Eider x Zydeco). Another linebred Z Sister doeling sired by Eider. She literally attacks the bottle at feeding time. We predict she will mature to have more power than her dam, a very deer-like animal. |
Old Beach E Zephyrine Rio
Black & White, Moonspots Sire :Old Beach Z Earthshine Eider SS: Amethyst Acres R Zorro *B SD: Dynamo Ziggzag Earthshine EX 91 VEEE Dam: Amethyst Acres R Zephyrine DD: SG NC PROMISEDLAND SIA ZEPHYR 3*M 6*D ELITE Doe (99th Percentile) 2009 LA: VVVV 87, 2011 LA: VEEE 90, 2014 LA: VEEV 88 6th highest Predicted Transmitting Ability (PTA Milk +206) for breed All-time! DS: Cedar View Romeo *B DOB 4/24/2020 Rio (Eider x Zephyrine). A very long and open doe that got her refinement from Eider, her sire. Yet she still has the power of her dam. In general, our philosophy is to mate animals that complement each other in essential traits. So far, Rio appears to be the combination we hoped for. |
Amethyst Acres R Zenovia x Old Beach Z Earthshine Eider
Bred Nov 16, 2019 - Due April 9, 2020 @ 145 days April 10, 2020 - Triplets - 2 Bucks and 1 doe Novara (Eider x Zenovia). She was the tiniest of the triplets from the mating and of all the kids born in our Minnesota herd in 2020 but she’s been working to make up for it. We predict she’ll have that mellow temperament that a lot of good milkers do. |
Dynamo Zebra Candee EX 90 VEEE x Old Beach Z Earthshine Eider
Bred Oct 29, 2019 - Due Mar 22, 2020 @ 145 days March 23, 2020 - Triplets - 2 does (lost 1 doe), 1 buck - all Black & White, doe -moonspots Caracas (Eider x his granddam Candee). Physically, this Cairo littermate is rated our best 2020 doeling in the Minnesota herd. She exudes both strength and dairyness. She has super open ribbing, a neck as long and lean as her brother, an impressive barrel and is a super eater. We could have another Earthshine in the making here. |
Old Beach F Earthshine Eden
Chamoisee, Blue eyes Sire: Valley's-Edge ST Fiesta Falcon SD: Tiny Angels A Fiesta EEEE 92 SS: Tiny Angels RNB Supertramp Dam: Dynamo Ziggzag Earthshine EX 91 VEEE DS: Dynamo Falcon Ziggzag VEE 90 DD: Dynamo Zebra Candee EX 90 VEEE DOB 5/5/2020 |
Old Beach F Earthshine Ely
black & white, Blue eyes Sire: Valley's-Edge ST Fiesta Falcon SD: Tiny Angels A Fiesta EEEE 92 SS: Tiny Angels RNB Supertramp Dam: Dynamo Ziggzag Earthshine EX 91 VEEE DS: Dynamo Falcon Ziggzag VEE 90 DD: Dynamo Zebra Candee EX 90 VEEE DOB 5/5/2020 |